We all are not only physical but most important electric beings. An AURA is the energetic field that surrounds your body. In daily life when we feel stressed and ungrounded, this energy shield can get weak and uneven, and we start to pick up on other people’s negative emotions and vibes. As a result we often feel influenced by people and situations, tired and distracted. When our AURA is clean and strong, we feel empowered and connected to the flow of life.

There are 3 easy steps to take care of your energy field: cleanse, protect and rise. 

First clean up your environment: get rid of things you're not using, clutter and mess. Keep your space tidy and clean. Use white sage, thyme, Palo Santo or frankincense to smudge and purify your home.

Take a ritual cleansing bath with sea salt or Epsom salt and essential oils like lavender, rosemary, juniper berries or cedar. They all will help you to ward of negativ energies and energetic vampires. Salt purify and rejuvenate your energy field and help to cleanse your aura, as well relax your muscles, eliminate toxins and balance the whole body. 

After the bath rest for some time in relaxed position and imagine golden light shining from your center and surrounding your physical body in a beautiful bubble of sparkling golden light. Let go of everything from your space which doesn't resonate with this light: emotions, visions, people, thoughts, situations. Once you feel in peace and balance, seal the golden light with a protective purple layer around it, and cocoon yourself in it. 

Use crystals and gemstones to cleanse your energy field. Amethysts are great for protection, clear vision and purifying negative influences from outside. Clear quartz crystals can be programmed and help us heal and rise our energy. 

Walk barefoot with the soles of your feet touching the soil directly, so your body can absorb negative electrons from the earth. Earthing and recharging in this way can enhance and balance your energy field. 

Meditate daily. 

Set clear boundaries : you will strengthen your vibration when you stay connected to yourself and follow your path. Communicate clearly with yourself and others what you want and need, what resonates with you and what doesn't. Be selective with whom you're sharing your time and space. 

Follow your heart and your passion. Take time and space on daily basis for things which light you up, give you energy and reinforce your life vision. 

Spend time in nature, go to the forest or beach, watch animals, listen to the sound of the wind and waves, feel the rain on your skin. Reconnect to Mother Earth and appreciate every second we have here. 

Practice gratitude for what you already have. Finding even little things which you can be thankful for, strengthen it and invites more of similar experiences into your life. 

Take care of your mindset: embrace your darkness, see the triggers but also don't let yourself drown in negativity, anxiety, anger and pessimism. Be aware of your emotions, search help if needed and try to cultivate clear vision and positive, empowered state of mind.

Hope this few points will inspire you and together we purify and rise not only our personal, but as well the collective vibration and consciousness. 

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