Crystal clear quartz is a stone of self discovery, evolution in consciousness, self-empowerment and and manifestation. It's able to unblock, purify and generate energy. It can cleanse negativity and stimulate spiritual awareness, as well amplify vibrations and thoughts and enhance power of our intentions. You can program the crystal with your prayers and wishes and it will strengthen them in the quantum field and will help you to bring them into your reality. Clear quartz gives us the connection to our inner guidance and clarity. As we see our process clearly we can easily set intentions about what we want to manifest in our lives. At the same time this beautiful stone has a power to create a protective barrier which negative or unwanted energies cannot cross. It is considered the master of all healing crystals as it is able to to magnify healing vibrations. Clear quartz works on all levels of energetic and physical body and with all chakras, especially can help to open up and align higher chakras. It also stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear quartz crystals offer a deep spiritual purification and work as guides in our journey of life, specially through periods of intense spiritual transformation. As these crystals collect energies and purify our auric field, it's extremely important to regularly cleanse them. Beautiful way to do it might be by creating a little ritual with sage: simply place the crystal into a sage smoke for some time. Alternative you can also use rosemary or lavender. You can magnify the effect with prayer or chanting mantras over it with an intention to cleanse unwanted energies. After this small ritual place your clear quartz in the moonlight (specially on the full moon night) to recharge overnight.

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