When I first seen the copper turquoise stones I just thought I can't be real, how cool are these! And yes, this mesmerizing gemstone is a restructured stone made from natural crumbled turquoise (blue) and copper, with added opal (pink) or spiny oyster shells (orange/yellow) to play with colors. All components are combined together under pressure in a complicated process and reformed to this beautiful semi natural stone, in which copper deposits forms wonderful patterns of brown and shiny matrix. It combines properties of opal, copper and turquoise in one stone. Let us find out what kind of energies copper turquoise stones can bring us. 

Turquoise is believed to bring luck, peace, and protection. Blue is the color that connects us to the ocean, flow of water and cleansing energy of Mother Earth, calming the soul and our inner tides. It brings soothing and protective energy, specially when you are feeling overwhelmed.
Turquoise resonates with throat chakra, which can help you to speak your truth and enhance communication and expression. It also stimulates the third eye chakra which can strengthen your intuition. Turquoise symbolism also involves believe that it can predict danger or warn their owners of possible troubles by breaking.

Copper is a metal which conduct energy, stimulates connections and energy flow. It can help clear out negativity and balance the chakras. It works specially with root and lower chakras and can help us to feel grounded.

Pink opal resonates with the heart chakra and is able to help us activate and unlock heart's energy filling it with calm and peaceful vibrations. It's a good stone for you if you go through period of sadness, specially after breakup, loss or long distance relationship. Pink opal will support your emotional body if your heart is broken, but it also will push you to look within, showing just how strong you and your heart truly are.

Spiny oysters come from the sea, and symbolise all the beauty, depth, energy and calmness of the oceans. They are believed to bring relaxation, strength, courage and inner power, specially to those experiencing injustice, violence or anxiety.

Check out our new pieces with this gems: Opal Copper Turquoise & Spiny Oyster Copper Turquoise instore in our partner shops in Bali and soon in our online shop. 

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