Flower full moon eclipse, Mercury and Pluto retrogrades - what this cosmic constellation brings us?

Flower full moon eclipse, Mercury and Pluto retrogrades - what this cosmic constellation brings us? 

On May 15th /16th (depending on your location) we will experience full moon eclipse in Gemini. As a eclipse is frequently a rough ride and diving deep into shadows, also this one won't disappoint. Ahead of us all is an emotional period of cleansing and purging away everything what doesn't resonate anymore and what we need to leave behind, regardless if we're ready or not. As a seed buried deep in the earth, we can only embrace darkness as we're going from a seed to a flower, from one state of being into a complete different reality. 
Sounds intense? Well, that's just the beginning. 
Pluto the planet of karma, shadow, underworld and transformation, is in retrograde till October 8th. Basically it means we can't stay floating on the surface anymore. As it takes us to our deep waters and shows us hidden parts of ourselves, brings back past traumas and people to revisit. Pluto gently destroys but also helps us to transform, which might be felt as a very turbulent experience. 
Mercury retrograde in Gemini and Taurus, starting May 10th till June 3rd, brings issues with communication, misunderstandings, missed calendar dates, travel delays ond delays in money matters. It’s also here to provide fertile ground for re-evaluation and revision of our values. It’s a process of slowing down and reviewing that will provide us with the ability to reintegrate the lessons and transform specific aspects of our lives.
Next few weeks can feel really intense, but on a good side we can re-evaluate certain situations, end and dissolve karmic contracts and start a completely new cycle. 

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