Getting ready for the full moon in Virgo on March 7th 2023

As we move through March 2023 astrological events help us to unlock deeper potential within ourselves. The energy of the Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th brings new structure, reorganization and letting go of projects, relationships or ideas that no longer resonate with us.
If you're still holding on something, you will be inspired to release it, in order to be ready for new opportunities which are already on the way to manifest. Virgo Goddess energy helps you to take your power back, gain clarity and remember the incredible healing wisdom that is contained within every cell of your body.
Saturn is still in Aquarius at the time and shifts into Pisces (where he stays there for the next 3 years) shortly after the peak of Virgo Full Moon. We are still in the very, very last phase of ‘dealing with’ what has been present for us over past 3 years (or even past 6 years) allowing closure of an old karmic cycle and the beginning of a new one.

Here a short guide how to use these powerful energies:

First of all sit down and calm down your nervous system. Meditate, take few deeper breaths - that helps you to listen to your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Re-evaluate your feelings and ask yourself few questions :
What's really happening here?
How does this information influence my decisions?
How can I take care of myself and my life?
How do I set clear boundaries?
What do I need to let go in order to heal?
It's time to heal old wounds and allow new cycle to begin. Happy Full Moon!

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