Gemstones of April

When you're looking for a birthstone of April you quickly realize there is not one specific but a few gemstones coming up in the search. It's important to understand how fluid this list is. Throughout the history and across different cultures, there had been a number of different gemstones designated as the April birthstones, and even though we're not using all of them in our Soulshine Gems jewelry, I'd love to let you know them a bit better. We will find here gemstones with clear or rainbow colors or reflections. 

First of all there is DIAMOND, the king of gemstones and main zodiac stone for Aries, which is believed to bring good luck and protection. The name 'diamond' comes from greek 'adamas’ meaning ‘unconquerable' or 'indestructible.’ Natural diamonds take billions of years to form and are one of the hardest and most precious stones on earth. Diamonds come in a variety of colors, some of them highly prized (pinks, blues, even yellow). However in a white diamond, the less body color, the more true color it will reflect, and thus the greater its value. This crystals of light represent strength, perseverance, courage, elegance and luxury. Diamonds are believed to give physical strength and to carry energy that promotes mental clarity, which helps you to overcome challenges and difficulties in life. This highly spiritual stone is a symbol of illumination and perfection. It can activate your crown chakra, strengthen aura and encourage psychic development, remote viewing, clairvoyance and telepathic communication.

CLEAR QUARTZ another alternative to April birthstone is chosen for its clear color and similarity to diamond. Clear quartz or rock crystal, is believed to amplify, balance, store, focus, and transmit energy. It's a master healer and a stone of clarity, which can increase inspiration and creativity, improve concentration and retention of information or knowledge. This powerful vibrations of quartz crystals are used in crystal healing and rituals. You can wear rough crystal points, or sparkly faceted quartz gemstones, meditate with them and program your crystals with intentions to amplify energies and bring your vision or wishes into manifestation.

SAPPHIRE, the main gemstone for Taurus, a blue variety of corundum, is the stone of inner peace and spiritual enlightment. This beautiful blue stone offers protection and promotes truth, sincerity, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom and spiritual growth. It can help us to release unwanted thoughts, mental tension, depression and frustration, and promote self-knowledge and expression.

OPAL which is an April stone in Tibetan tradition, is a delicate stone with a subtle vibrational energy bringing truth, hope, purity, and energy. Opal is known for its stunning flashes of colors, a visual spectacle caused by interactions between light and tightly packed balls of silica. It is believed to enhance your cosmic consciousness and strengthen your mystical and psychic visions. It will inspire originality and boost creativity. With its rainbow-like appearance, opal brings the promise of better days and the feeling of hope. Opal is a highly absorbent and reflective stone. It is believed to possess moon energy (reflections) that can amplify thoughts and feelings and help to bring them into the surface, let them be seen and transformed. And do it will pick up on your thoughts and emotions, magnify them, and send them back to you. It can also absorb the energies and vibrations of people around you, including negative or harmful ones, and reflect them back to their source. In this way, it is a highly protective stone.

WHITE TOPAZ, one of the most affordable stones, is a very dynamic stone that brings energies of inspiration, peace, hope, and love. It can be used to expand your own thoughts and knowledge, open your mind and see things with clarity. It allows you to better evaluate the situation and come up with best possible response. Seeing your situation and vision clearly can give you a boost in self-confidence and support your personal growth.

Enjoy energy of spring and let this clear and rainbow like stones support you! 

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