Aquamarine comes from two Latin words: aqua - meaning 'water', and marine - meaning 'of the sea'. Since early times, aquamarine was believed to remove impurities and to give the wearer clairvoyance, clarity, courage, and happiness.
Legends said that aquamarine was found in the treasure chest of mermaids or was lost by sirens. In the folklore of Greek and Roman myths, it became the sacred jewel of Neptune and the sailor’s gem. It was believed that the jewel had powers to claim stormy waters as well as protect seafarers from danger. Sailors wore aquamarine as a good luck charm to keep them safe at sea and to prevent seasickness. The stone should have ensured their safe and prosperous passage across stormy waters. Also at one time aquamarine was wore by warriors into battle for courage and to improve the chances for victory.
The ancient Romans thought aquamarine crystals could absorb youthful love and reflect that passion back. Sometimes aquamarine is therefore called the ‘Stone of Aphrodite’. In mythology Aphrodite, goddess of love, was born of the sea (Aphrodite means 'born of foam') and her throne was "inlaid with beryls and aquamarines". In ancient believes aquamarine crystals held the power to help a romantic relationship get off to a new positive beginning - good for a new married couples or to reawaken and reignite the love between partners in longterm relationship. 
In the Middle Ages, aquamarine was thought to protect wearers from being poisoned. In the 14th century it was not uncommon for European royalty to wear aquamarine, often as a necklace, to protect against poisoning.
And here the mystical powers of aquamarine crystals gets really interesting: aquamarine was called 'the oracles stone' during Medial Times. A crystal ball carved from aquamarine was thought to enhance one’s psychic visions and insights - here comes the 'crystal ball'. Further, there was a little known form of psychic dowsing using an aquamarine crystal. A crystal was hung from a thin chain so it could swing freely over a bowl of water. Along the edge of the bowl were the letters of the alphabet. By asking or focusing on a question the crystal would swing to individual letters and spell out answers.
As a healing stone, it is said to be effective to support the immune system, the general healing process, aid in the cleansing of organs and assist in the control fluid retention. 
Aquamarine is related to the 5th chakra (throat chakra) and governs higher communication, faith and spiritual understanding. Wearing or holding aquamarine crystals near the throat should improve retrospection and clarity, help with communication issues and expression of feelings and thoughts. Used during meditation it can help to quickly reduce stress, sharpen the mind, lower anxiety and reduce fear. It brings calmness and tranquility. 
It belongs to the group of beryl minerals and most valuable aquamarines come from Brazil. Other places where it's found are: Kenya, Nigeria, Madagascar, Zambia, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Russia. Natural stones are frequently heat treated to enhance color and/or clarity of the stone, which result in a blue-green or teal to a pure blue colored gem. 

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