Pearls are organic gems that grow inside of a living saltwater or freshwater oyster or other shelled mollusk, in oceans, lakes and rivers. They are made from nacre, the substance that lines the shell of their host mollusk, around an foreign piece of sand or a parasite that got into its shell. In farmed pearls the irritant is inserted, and the mollusk covers it with nacre, just like a natural pearl. Cultured pearls are raised in freshwater or saltwater pearl farms, where the mollusks are cleaned, protected from predators and eventually harvested.

Thousands of years of pearl fishing have decimated the natural pearl beds, so cultured pearls account for the vast majority of pearl on the market today. These cultured pearl birthstones come in different sizes, colors and shapes.

Ancients from the Middle East believed that pearls were teardrops fallen from heaven. The Chinese thought that they came from the brain of a dragon. Pearls have long been associated with purity, innocence, wisdom, and integrity. They bring very feminine energy and symbolise our own inner wisdom. They remind us to go inward and strengthen our connection with the divine. They gently balance our energetic bodies and aura. Pearls also represent love and a life-long commitment to a loved one, which makes them perfect for a wedding gift. 

Pearls are 2.5 to 3.0 on the Mohs Scale of hardness, so they are a comparatively soft gem and require delicate care. Store them separately from other gemstones and metal jewelry to prevent scratching. Don't store your pearls in a plastic bag, as plastic can emit a chemical that will damage their surface. Perfume, hair products and cosmetics should be applied before putting on your pearl jewelry. The best way to clean pearls is with a soft, damp cloth, ideally after each time the pearls are worn.

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